S. Morel-Balbi and A. Kirkley*, Learning when to rank: Estimation of partial rankings from sparse, noisy comparisons. Preprint arXiv:2501.02505 (2025). Paper. Code.
A. Kirkley, Fast nonparametric inference of network backbones for graph sparsification. Preprint arXiv:2409.06417 (2024). Paper. Code.
M. Jerdee, A. Kirkley, and M. E. J. Newman, Normalized mutual information is a biased measure for classification and community detection. Preprint arXiv:2307.01282 (2023). Paper.
M. Jerdee, A. Kirkley, and M. E. J. Newman, Mutual information and the encoding of contingency tables. Physical Review E [Editor’s Suggestion] 110, 064306 (2024). Paper. Code.
A. Kirkley and Baiyue He, PANINIpy: Package of Algorithms for Nonparametric Inference with Networks In Python. Journal of Open Source Software 9, 7312 (2024). Paper. Repository.
H. Felippe, F. Battiston, and A. Kirkley*, Network mutual information measures for graph similarity. Communications Physics 7, 335 (2024). Paper. Code.
S. Morel-Balbi and A. Kirkley*, Bayesian regionalization of urban mobility networks. Physical Review Research 6, 033307 (2024). Paper. Code.
L. Hébert-Dufresne, J.G. Young, A. Daniels, A. Kirkley, and A. Allard, Network compression with configuration models and the minimum description length. Physical Review E 110, 034305 (2024). Paper.
A. Kirkley, Inference of dynamic hypergraph representations in temporal interaction data. Physical Review E 109, 054306 (2024). Paper. Code.
A. Kirkley, Identifying hubs in directed networks. Physical Review E [Editor’s Suggestion] 109, 034310 (2024). Paper. Code.
M. Jerdee, A. Kirkley, and M. E. J. Newman, Improved estimates for the number of non-negative integer matrices with given row and column sums. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 480, 20230470 (2024). Paper. Code.
B. Poudyal, G. Ghoshal, and A. Kirkley*, Characterizing network circuity among heterogeneous urban amenities. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 20, 20230296 (2023). Paper.
G. T. Cantwell, A. Kirkley, and F. Radicchi, Heterogeneous message passing for heterogeneous networks. Physical Review E 108, 034310 (2023). Paper. Code.
T. P. Peixoto and A. Kirkley*, Implicit models, latent compression, intrinsic biases, and cheap lunches in community detection. Physical Review E 108, 024309 (2023). Paper.
A. Kirkley*, A. Rojas, M. Rosvall, and J-G. Young, Compressing network populations with modal networks reveals structural diversity. Communications Physics 6, 148 (2023). Paper. Code.
A. Kirkley, Spatial regionalization based on optimal information compression. Communications Physics 5, 249 (2022). Paper. Code.
S. Mimar, D. Soriano-Paños, A. Kirkley, H. Barbosa, A. Sadilek, A. Arenas, J. Gómez-Gardeñes, and G. Ghoshal, Connecting intercity mobility with urban welfare. PNAS Nexus 1, pgac178 (2022). Paper.
J. Aguilar, A. Bassolas, G. Ghoshal, S. Hazarie, A. Kirkley, M. Mazzoli, S. Meloni, S. Mimar, V. Nicosia, J. J. Ramasco, and A. Sadilek, Impact of urban structure on infectious disease spreading. Scientific Reports 12, 3816 (2022). Paper.
A. Kirkley* and M. E. J. Newman, Representative community divisions of networks. Communications Physics 5, 40 (2022). Paper. Code.
J-G. Young, A. Kirkley†, and M. E. J. Newman, Clustering of heterogeneous populations of networks. Physical Review E 105, 014312 (2022). Paper. Code.
G. T. Cantwell, A. Kirkley, and M. E. J. Newman, The friendship paradox in real and model networks. Journal of Complex Networks 9, cnab011 (2021). Paper.
A. Kirkley*, G. T. Cantwell, and M. E. J. Newman, Belief propagation for networks with loops. Science Advances 7, eabf1211 (2021). Paper. Code.
S. Feng and A. Kirkley†,*, Integrating online and offline data for crisis management: Online geolocalized emotion, policy response, and local mobility during the COVID crisis. Scientific Reports 11, 8514 (2021). Paper. Data.
A. Kirkley, Information theoretic network approach to socioeconomic correlations. Physical Review Research 2, 043212 (2020). Paper.
A. A. Klishin, A. Kirkley, D. J. Singer, and G. van Anders, Robust design from systems physics. Scientific Reports 10, 14334 (2020). Paper.
S. Feng and A. Kirkley†,*, Mixing patterns in interdisciplinary co-authorship networks at multiple scales. Scientific Reports 10, 7731 (2020). Paper.
A. Kirkley* and M. E. J. Newman, Balance in signed networks. Physical Review E 99, 012320 (2019). Paper.
A. Kirkley, H. Barbosa, M. Barthelemy, and G. Ghoshal, From the betweenness centrality in street networks to structural invariants in random planar graphs. Nature Communications 9, 2501 (2018). Paper.
† denotes co-first authorship, * denotes corresponding authorship